
Do you know ?

They are the main digital provider for anxiety/depression treatment for the NHS. 

I’m currently helping them to explore the crossover into the private sector of a new clinical-grade / NHS-grade pathway that can:

  • Prevent deterioration of symptomatic people
  • Help people who are off sick to return to work
  • Reduce the cost of treating common mental health problems like anxiety and depression.

The pathway is the UK’s only hybrid model – patients follow a digital treatment programme in an app and are flexibly supported by 1:1 clinician time. They are the only organisation to have both a research-backed app and a team of 600 clinicians to support people 1:1.

The private mental health market is unfortunately awash with apps and services that have little or no scientific/ clinical evidence as to their efficacy. 

In stark contrast, ieso is widely recognised as the most research-led, innovative and responsible provider. Having spent time with them, I can understand why.   Great ethos.