Does This Sound Like You?
I have a good friend who is a GP. Hadn’t seen him for ages until we met up last month.
He was very interested in my work with Cambridge Brain Sciences (CBS) and when he said he thought his memory wasn’t as good as it once was, I offered him a free CBS assessment.
He scored very well in some domains and as compared to his peer group for age and gender, was not below average in any task.
These results prompted him to confirm that they gave him some peace of mind and that nothing was of immediate concern. He could now start worrying about something else !
And this made me think. How many of us have a nagging suspicion that we are suffering from some form of cognitive impairment when we make a small mistake; can’t think of the right word; forget a name or ask ourselves the classic question ‘ why did I come into this room?’
My guess is many of us start to catastrophise about the possibility which is not surprising with the amount of cognitive decline content plastered across all medias.
So what to do?
Follow my friend’s example and take a CBS assessment. It’s not a diagnostic, but by comparing yourself to your peer group, it’s a very easy and non-threatening way to give you a highly validated measure of your current cognitive performance.